
WDFA would not be able to run without the efforts of our volunteers.

We have a very enthusiastic team of Committee embers who ensure all of the events and activities we hold are successful.

Our committee consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and general members. General members roles such as Playgroup Coordinator, Events Coordinator etc.

We hold meetings approximately once a month as well as an Annual General Meeting.

We communicate via private social media page to keep our activities moving and to ensure that all committee members are aware of things and can have an input.

The Committee listens to the feedback and ideas from its members to ensure that the Woodside Defence Families are directing their ideas and also to ensure we are providing programs and activities that people are after.

We have a strong, enthusiastic team of volunteers on our Committee who all bring different skills to the organisation.

When new Committee members join, a copy of Committee Duties and our Constitution is supplied and explained. We also have the Governance Handbook supplied by DMFS on hand to refer to if needed. First Aid courses and Child Protection requirements are obtained for all our volunteers and staff.

If you would like to contribute in any way either on the Committee or volunteering for some of our events or activities, please contact our Coordinator or any of the Committee members if you would like to find out more information.

Current Committee

Emily Gardoll—Coordinator
Renee Diaz—President
Peta Browne—Vice President
Jenifer Cox—Secretary
Alistair Mclean—Treasurer
Chanelle Mclean—General Committee Member
Dale Grixti—General Committee Member