Please do not attend any of our events or activities if you are experiencing symptoms of an illness where you could be contagious.
Some families have life threatening allergies therefore there is no shared foods.
Please let the Committee / coordinator know of any known allergies.
Be Sun Smart – wear a hat and sunscreen in the warmer months, check Bureau of Meteorology for UV index (4 or higher requires caution and protection). We have sunscreen available for use.
First Aid – both buildings have fully equipped first aid kits available.
Our organisation has Workers Compensation insurance as well as Public Liability. All of our committee members have a Working With Children Check, and some have completed First Aid training.
There are emergency procedures and evacuation plans placed in the front entrance area of both buildings. Please familiarise yourself with these documents in case of an emergency. Should someone require an ambulance please call 000 and follow this up with calling the front gate to alert them of an ambulance coming through.