Playgroup is held once a week and facilitated by one of the volunteer committee members.
We have a well set up playgroup room with many toys, an outdoor deck area which overlooks the outdoor
Craft and sensory activities are offered for the children.
Playgroup is a safe and welcoming place to visit for parents/carers of preschool aged children (0-5). You are welcome to bring older siblings (eg homeschool or student free day).
See our Facebook group for updates on what activities are coming up at playgroup this term and to see if any changes to sessions have occurred.

Cost for playgroup is $2 per session for each family.
Alternatively, purchase a 10 session pass for $20.
You must be a WDFA member to attend playgroup.
Coffee (instant) and tea are available for free.
To ensure we are as safe as possible against illness and allergic reactions, there is no shared food.
Please bring your own snacks and water bottle for your child. There are some snacks available for purchase.
On arrival, please make yourself know to the playgroup coordinator who will mark you off on the digital sign in.
Clean up:
We ask that everyone assist with cleaning up after the playgroup session, which will start 15 minutes before the session ends. We do understand through that sometimes you may need to leave early for appointments or children’s sleep routine.
Health and safety at playgroup:
Parents are responsible for supervising their children while they attend playgroup.
Please clean up after your child – this includes food areas and the bathroom.
If you or your child/ren are ill, please do not attend playgroup until you are all well again. Follow the health advice of your GP, SA Health or Health Direct with regards to when it is safe to return so that illnesses do not spread to other families. If you believe your child could have been contagious while attending playgroup, please inform the WDFA so other families that attended are aware and mindful of any related symptoms.