Useful Links

WDFA Links and Contacts

WDFA Coordinator: 0421 164 207
Office hours: Monday, Tuesday am, Friday
Woodside Defence Families
Association Facebook Group

State-specific Family Services

Child and Family Health
Service (CaFHS) provides free
support for all children 0-5 years
living in South Australia. Call
this number to get in touch with
your nearest centre and make
an appointment. 1300 733 606
To speak to a registered nurse,
call HealthDirect on 1800 022
222 (known as NURSE-ONCALL in Victoria).

Defence Support Services

Defence Member Family Support:
1800 624 608
Open Arms (Veterans and Families
1800 011 046
Soldier On: 1300 620 380
Defence Families Australia:
1800 624 608
Defence Special Needs Support
Group: 1800 037 674
Defence School Transition Aid:
(Nairne PS) (08) 8388 6116

Important Base Numbers

Duty Officer: 0417 852 156
Guard Room: (08) 8389 0033
Front Gate security:
(08) 8389 0001
Unit Padre: 0436 327 386
Adelaide On-Call Chaplain:
0419 823 743
Base Pool / Gym: (08) 8389
16 REGT RAP Woodside
Clinic: (08) 8389 0007
(08) 8389 0025